Original Gouache Illustrations

This page offers my original paintings, note card packs, and calendars for sale.

Living on a Prayer.jpg
Livin' on a Prayer (Carolina Mantis)
Cold Jay in Hell small.jpg
A Cold Jay in Hell (Canada Jay)
Tree Bien smaller copy.jpg
Tree Bien (Tree Swallow)
holy rail.jpg
Holy Rail (Guam Rail)
snow diggity.jpg
Snow Diggity (Snow Goose)
oh miki smaller.jpg
Oh MIKI You're so Fine (Mississippi Kite)
stilt the one smaller.jpg
Stilt the One (Black-necked Stilt)
turnstone for what.jpg
Turnstone for What (Black Turnstone)
veery nice.jpg
Veery Nice
Everybody Wants to parula the world.jpg
Everybody Wants To Parula The World (Northern Parula)
Thrash Metal.jpg
Thrash Metal (Brown Thrasher)
the bald and the beautiful.jpg
The Bald And The Beautiful (Bald Eagle)
pheasant dreams.jpg
Pheasant Dreams (Lady Amherst's Pheasant)
stellar steller.jpg
Stellar Steller (Steller's Sea Eagle)
Feeling Motmot Hot.jpg
Feeling Motmot Hot (Blue-crowned Motmot)
every kiskadee smaller.jpg
Every Kiskadee Begins with K (Great Kiskadee)
demon barbet smaller.jpg
The Demon Barbet of Fleet Street (Bearded Barbet)
bufflehead nickel smaller.jpg
Bufflehead Nickel
ghost eider smaller.jpg
Ghost Eider (Steller's Eider)
back in black smaller.jpg
Back in Black (Black-backed Woodpecker)
golden rule smaller.jpg
Golden Rule (Golden Eagle)
herman's hermit.jpg
Herman's Hermit (Hermit Thrush)
head thrush.jpg
Head Thrush (Swainson's Thrush)
bow & sparrow.jpg
Bow & Sparrow (Lark Sparrow)
I wanna be falcated smaller.jpg
I Wanna Be Falcated (Falcated Duck)
chicken and dunlin smaller.jpg
Chicken & Dunlin
Fanfare for the Common Yellowthroat smaller.jpg
Fanfare for the Common Yellowthroat
Smooth Operator smaller.jpg
Smooth Operator (Smooth-billed Ani)
Pines of Rome smaller.jpg
Pines of Rome (Pine Warbler)
Leave it to Weaver smaller.jpg
Leave it to Weaver (Taveta Weaver)
In West Philly small.jpg
In West Philadelphia Born and Raised (Philadelphia Vireo)
Thicc AF.jpg
Thicc AF (Spotted Thick-knee)
three's company smaller.jpg
Three's Company (American Three-toed Woodpecker)
Why the long face smaller.jpg
Why the Long Face? (Long-billed Curlew)
confirmed bateleur smaller.jpg
Confirmed Bateleur Eagle
Baby Shrike smaller.jpg
Baby Shrike (Bull-headed Shrike)
gnatcatcher in the rye smaller.jpg
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher in the Rye
purple haze smaller.jpg
Purple Haze (Purple Finch)
You Might Be a red-necked phalarope smaller.jpg
You Might be a Red-necked Phalarope
Flamingo Your Own Way smaller.jpg
Flamingo Your Own Way
i am the walrus smaller.jpg
I am the Walrus Cuckoo G'joo (Yellow-billed Cuckoo)
easy as pied.jpg
Easy As Pied-billed Grebe
easy mac smaller.jpg
Easy Mac (Macaroni Penguin)
Cool, Palm, and Collected smaller.jpg
Cool, Palm, & Collected (Palm Warbler)
Pintail Wizard (Northern Pintail)
I See You Baby (Northern Waterthrush)
Bohemian Rhapsody (Bohemian Waxwing)
Saturday Nighthawk Fever smaller.jpg
Saturday Nighthawk Fever (Common Nighthawk)
Down By the Bay smaller.jpg
Down By The Bay-breasted Warbler
Goldwinger smaller.jpg
Goldwinger (Golden-winged Warbler)
Montezuma's Revenge smaller.jpg
Montezuma's Revenge (Montezuma Quail)
Acaracri Seems to be the smaller.jpg
Aracari Seems to be the Hardest Word (Curl-crested Aracari)
All By Myself smaller.jpg
All By Myself (Solitary Sandpiper)
Clapper Dandy smaller.jpg
Clapper Dandy (Clapper Rail)
KY Fried Chicken smaller.jpg
Kentucky Warbler Fried Chicken
CT Warbler in King Arthur's Court smaller.jpg
Connecticut Warbler in King Arthur's Court
Turn Around White Eyes smaller.jpg
Turn Around, White Eyes (White-eyed Vireo)
Oh What a Beautiful Mourning smaller.jpg
Oh What a Beautiful Mourning Warbler
a sight for sora eyes smaller.jpg
A Sight For Sora Eyes 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
keepin' it teal smaller.jpg
Keepin' it Teal (Blue-winged Teal) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
eider house rules smaller.jpg
Eider House Rules (Common Eider) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
Tennessee waltz smaller.jpg
Tennessee Waltz (Tennessee Warbler) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
peanut envy smaller.jpg
Peanut Envy (Steller's Jay) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
that's murre like it smaller.jpg
That's Murre Like It (Common Murre) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
spin doctor smaller.jpg
Spin Doctor (Wilson's Phalarope) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
purple people eater smaller.jpg
Purple People Eater (Purple Sandpiper) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
hoodie two shoes smaller.jpg
Hoodie Two Shoes (Hooded Warbler) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
avocet for life smaller.jpg
Avocet for Live (American Avocet) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
do your ears hang low smaller.jpg
Do Your Ears Hang Low (Long-eared Owl) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
Blackbeard smaller.jpg
Blackbeard (Black-throated Green Warbler) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
burger kinglet smaller.jpg
Burger Kinglet (Ruby-crowned Kinglet) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
sourdough quetzal smaller.jpg
Sourdough Quetzal (Resplendent Quetzal) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
happily varied smaller.jpg
Happily Varied (Varied Thrush) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
when harrier met sally smaller.jpg
When Harrier Met Sally (Northern Harrier) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
cross my heart.jpg
Cross My Heart (Red Crossbill) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
climb every mountain.jpg
Climb Every Mountain (Mountain Bluebird) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
ginger bred.jpg
Ginger Bred (Redhead) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
swamp thing smaller.jpg
Swamp Thing (Swamp Sparrow) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
I wanna Dance With Somebody smaller copy.jpg
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Western Grebe) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
Egrets, I've had a Few smaller copy.jpg
Egrets, I've Had A Few (Reddish Egret) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
get your scoter running smaller.jpg
Get Your Scoter Running (Surf Scoter) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
monk in the trunk smaller.jpg
Monk In The Trunk (Monk Parakeet) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
play that funky music kite boy smaller.jpg
Play That Funky Music Kite Boy (White-tailed Kite) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
Shoulda Put A Ring On It smaller.jpg
Shoulda Put A Ring On It (Ring-necked Pheasant) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
Tuning Stork smaller.jpg
Tuning Stork (Wood Stork) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
I'm Telling Mom smaller.jpg
I'm Telling Mom (Wandering Tattler) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
Never Gonna Give you Up smaller.jpg
Never Gonna Give You Upland Sandpiper 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
some enchanted evening smaller.jpg
Some Enchanted Evening (Evening Grosbeak) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
the baffled king composes gallinuleyah smaller.jpg
The Baffled King Composes Gallinuleyah (Purple Gallinule) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
the crane in spain stays mainly on the plain smaller.jpg
The Crane In Spain Stays Mainly On The Plain (Common Crane) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
hawk on by smaller.jpg
Hawk On By (Swainson's Hawk) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
come rail away smaller.jpg
Come Rail Away (Virginia Rail) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
sunday in the lark with george smaller.jpg
Sunday in the Lark With George 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
swing your razorbill wide smaller.jpg
Swing Your Razorbill Wide 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
Into the Woods smaller.jpg
Into the Woods (Wood Duck) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
get your beak on smaller.jpg
Get Your Beak On (Toco Toucan) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
you've got quail smaller.jpg
You've Got Quail (Gambel's Quail) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
lol smaller.jpg
LOL (Laughing Kookaburra) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
strawberry fields forever smaller.jpg
Strawberry Fields Forever (Field Sparrow)
silent but deadly smaller.jpg
Silent But Deadly (Empidonax Flycatcher) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
ovenborb smaller.jpg
Ovenborb (Ovenbird) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
do you have an appointment smaller.jpg
Do You Have an Appointment? (Secretarybird) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
send duck pics smaller.jpg
Send Duck Pics (Ruddy Duck) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink
WHOOP smaller.jpg
Whoop There It Is (Whooping Crane) 5x7" Original Gouache & Ink